Phoenix Asbestos Attorney
If you have been exposed to hazardous asbestos materials and are now injured because of that exposure, you are entitled to compensation from the negligent parties that allowed those harmful substances to be available. At Israel & Gerity, PLLC, we will work with you to resolve your issues in this complicated area of law.
Our Arizona personal injury law firm has the resources needed to move your case forward and help you receive the financial assistance you deserve. Contact a skilled Phoenix injury lawyer to learn more about your asbestos claims.
Guiding You Through the Legal Steps Following an Asbestos Injury
At our law firm, you can rely on the decades of experience our attorneys have obtained to inform you of your options regarding your asbestos injury and asbestos-related disease, including:
- Mesothelioma
- Lung cancer
- Diffuse pleural fibrosis
- Asbestosis
- Other asbestosis-related cancers
Assisting All Types of Workers Injured by Asbestos in the Phoenix Area
While any individual can contract a disease by exposure to asbestos, there are some workers that encounter asbestos more frequently, including:
- Plumbers
- Pipe fitters
- Dry wallers
- Electricians
- Mechanics
- Mine workers
- Insulators
- Plant workers
- Shipyard workers
- Mill workers
No matter what occupation you have or how you came into contact with harmful asbestos materials, we will be by your side to help you obtain the compensation you need to pay medical bills, lost wages and other damages you have incurred.
Contact Us Now to Consult With a Phoenix Asbestos Lawyer
Contact an Arizona injury attorney at our law firm to learn more about the dedicated advocacy you deserve throughout your recovery process.