Probate can be an unfortunate but necessary part of death. While certain trusts can help skip probate, most estates end up in probate after death. This can put a lot of undue pressure on loved ones of the deceased and could put even more pressure on the executor of an estate. An executor in an estate administers and overviews an estate as it goes through the probate process. This process can get tricky with so many issues to address that are continuously changing throughout probate.

Those moving parts are just the tip of the iceberg. Many complications can arise during probate. Settling debt is a major part of probate. While an established list of debts and creditors should be handy for the executor, sometimes unlisted creditors will reach out and demand payment during probate. On top of creditors reaching out for payment, beneficiaries contesting a will can hurt and slow down the probate process. Having a will contested can also cause undue pressure on the executor as they may be blamed for the issues.

A lot of times, beneficiaries will go as far as contesting the executor in probate, claiming that they aren’t fulfilling their administrative duties. All of these complications can be solved by having a probate lawyer by your side. Any details and disputes that need attention can be taken care of by an experienced probate lawyer.

How Long Can Probate Take?

The length of the probate process can vary depending on all the circumstances of the estate. The more issues that arise, the longer the process will take. The average process may take several months but if issues continue to come up, probate can draw out into an even lengthier process. As the executor of the estate, it’s important to streamline the probate process but not compromise the quality in which you are handling all the affairs. That may be a tough ask for most but with a probate lawyer helping you every step of the way, probate may not last any longer than it needs to.

What are Steps to Ensure a Problem-Free Probate?

If you are the executor of the estate and will, it’s important to pay attention to details and deadlines to make sure no issues linger during probate. With a life of your own, it may be difficult to balance your responsibilities with everything else happening in your life. A way to make sure probate runs smoothly is to enlist the services of a trusted probate attorney to make the process easier.

Will an Estate Planning Attorney Help with Probate?

Probate and problems go hand-in-hand. Get ahead of the issues of probate by reaching out to Israel & Gerity, PLLC. The experienced Estate Planning attorneys at Israel & Gerity, PLLC can give you the assurance that the administration of your estate is handled responsibly and correctly, ensuring a productive and swift resolution for all.